Monday, November 23, 2009

Thus, the journey begins.

After a long time, my stomach pain has decreased a little bit. Before, I would get sharp and strong pain attacks and now its more of a burning pain. My body is responding better to it than the sharp pain. I usually have a fever and my body is a bit weird in a manner that sometimes I am unable to breath and I feel suffocated. My doctor says that if my ulcers get better than all the other stomach related issues (infection, bleeding, etc.) will decrease, thus my overall body will get better. The foundation of all my health problems is the ulcers, so I have to cure that in order in indirectly cure all the other problems.

So Mr. Ulcers, here I come, I am going to tackle you down. My whole body (specially my mind) is stronger than you. I keep telling myself that my body is my own enemy, but I don’t take any action against it, which I think it’s time to do. I need to make my body my friend (my best friend) and be at peace physically and mentally.

I am past the phase of loosing it and not doing anything about my pain and health. I took off work and just didn’t do anything but sit and cry about my pain. That went for a while, and that definitely didn’t help. I cut off connection and started slacking on my work and school and that also doesn’t help. One quality that has always been part of me is that no matter what condition I am in mentally and physically, I have got myself up, have had a strong head and kept moving.

I still recall, I was doing a dance performance and my knees were really hurt and I was in tears a minute before the dancer performance, but a minute later, I got on stage, I put a smile on my face and it must have been one of my best dance performances. It was at the festival of trees in Boise, ID. I didn’t let my commitment to dance team down (meridian dance art academy) and I didn’t let my dance team down.

I need to revisit that and bring my mental strength back of dealing properly with pain, but not loosing what I have, or my aspirations and dreams.

Plus, if I distract my mind and do things for myself that are good than maybe with my mind, my health will also get better. For a while I had lost all my ambition, motivation, inspirations, and goals and I was not doing anything to make any part of my life improve. Instead of digging myself a deeper a hole, I am going to get out of this hole.

I do need to bear in my mind that my health is yet utmost important and needs more of my attention than anything else. I have developed a eating schedule, a rest schedule, and meditation schedule. Also, I will continue having my special brown bag which has fruit, nuts and other healthy food that is always on me, so in any instance, I can eat no matter where I am.

I have lost of a bit of strength in my body, so I need to gain that back up. I have developed a set of exercises, stretches, and yoga poses that are good for overall body and stomach that will improve my strength.

No one else and nothing else except me can improve my health, and I need to do it well and soon, so things don’t get worse even later in life.

I need peace and sanity and I am going to provide that to myself.

And, people who have made my health worse or have anything to say against me or my health specially when I have helped you in any way shape or form; I curse you and I hope that you go through 50% of what I have been through. Only 50% because that will be enough to teach them a lesson and I don't think they can deal with half of what I have dealt with, let alone whole.

My goal of simplifying my life is close to accomplished, everything I don’t need or use has been trashed, the important things are neatly organized and placed.

I am back on my feet and strong brain and need to get work done, projects done and catch up to the speed of everything.


1. I have two weeks to do 4 projects of the semester. The whole class has done 4 projects in 4-5 months, and I need to do those projects in 2 weeks, in fact by the end of this week to be able to do the 5th project of the semester.

a. Project 1: Sketch, Refine and Finalize design for the german poster with placement, scale, color and in style of piet zwart, max huber and theo van doesburg. Final 6 posters (11x14)

b. Project 2: Text, graphic element and photo choices for Vision, put it together and apply in 4 environments. Final 4 posters (billboard size)

c. Refine book sale sign 6-10 times and create a system branding from book design. Final 6 designs (book bag, gift card, book mark, calendar)

d. Time and measurement design with dance. Final 4 cd cased of dance timeline

2. Crossing borders journal. Just for few hours before 11/30/09 I need to sit at create a collage for 15 different words to form a book of collage of 15 terminologies. This shouldn’t be that difficult, just grab images related to term and paste it on page (text is fine too)

3. Type forms branding to recreate stationary of Post-It Notes Company. (Logo, letter head, business card, envelop and notepad)

4. Final portfolio for type forms

5. Final portfolio for visual literacy


1. 50-100 web channel research to benchmark (50 completed)

2. 50-100 events/tradeshows/conferences to research and benchmark for 2010

3. Competitive analysis projects (completed, but need to be updated)

4. Analyzer vendor list?

5. APAC business development- country focus India (benchmark 10-15 from a list of 50)

6. EMEA business development- country focus Russia (done!)

7. 3 Presentation creations from concept to execution (Reseller, End User, Analyzer)

a. Outline done, basis and concept done; work on creation and execution

I need to finish all this work before I go to Boise, ID. Forgot to mention that I have booked a ticket to go to Boise because I really miss my mom and I am going to surprise her by showing up at home. My goal is to get all this done before I go, otherwise I won’t go. 2nd week of December!

After that, I will have an entire month of school and nothing for school to worry about! I want to thank my professors, lian, teddy and Michael for giving me a lot of flexibility this semester. Lian has done it for two semesters now. Thank you guys for understanding and reiterating to me that health is more important and I should worry about that more than school.

Those are all my short term goals.

To keep in mind my long term goals.


B.S Communication and Psychology (completed)

M.F.A. in Graphic Design (in progress)

M.B.A. in International Marketing/Business (future) I have selected a school, Golden Gate University, and will apply there in about a 1.5 years. I have my mind set to the curriculum, and the requirements for application and slowly I will start working on that once a lot of other stress in my life is decreased.

I am still working on the book I want to publish, it’s getting harder and harder. When I thought things were coming along, they are actually diminishing a bit, but it’s ok, I can put that aside to focus on more important things (health) for now and come back to it at a better time.

I need to get CCNA to go higher in my industry (IT) and I just emailed a community college that offers CCNA training courses for 2-3 months that apparently guarantees passing the CCNA exam, which my company pays for. If all works well, that can get rolling when I am off school for a while.

I have always been a steady and committed volunteer for an organization in each city I have lived in. Ever since I came to bay area, I haven’t done any volunteer work. My only reason for doing volunteer work is that it makes me happy. I need to research an organization here where I can be a committed volunteer. I have made a decision to volunteer in what makes me happy and is less stressful. No more marketing related volunteering, etc, I am going to do mentor volunteering of helping kids and people with life and career skills and just spending time with them. Instead of lending my skills to people who back stab me, I should lend it to people who would appreciate it and will truly play a piece in making this world a better place. Life coaching would also be something part of this, but it might be a bit stressful.

I still want to paint, draw, have my paint brushes, canvases, and other materials.

I have always wanted to be an educator and have always seen myself as a part time professor. Teaching is not something I want to do as a full time career, but something on side because I love it so much. I have come up with a strategy of tutoring as a starting point. If time and health allows, I would like to do that. In my spare time, I did come up with a resume for it, but didn’t do anything else. Let’s see how I am in a couple months and then I can think more about this.

Last, but not least, DANCE! I love dancing and I always have. I want to be dancer, do performances, have a team, and spend few hours in a week to dance. But my body doesn’t allow me to complete dance. I can do a little bit, but not much, not completely dance. I have not come up with any strategy to be able to fully dance. There has always been a problem in this, whether my knee, my stomach or my whole body. I think once I spend some time taking care of health fully, then I can come back to this and re-think it.

J I have so much going for myself and my life with all these goals, motivations and dreams and most importantly my ambition! Instead of focusing on all this, I was paying attention to and wasting energy dealing with useless things. This just reminds me once again that I need to work hard, and achieve these things. They are worth dealing with stomach pain and fighting to make my health better to do these things. Thus, the journey begins.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Natural Cure for Ulcers

Natural Cures for Ulcers

It is important to treat the symptoms of an ulcer when they first arise. Untreated ulcers have the potential to grow larger, creating a host of additional medical issues. Ignoring an ulcer can lead to bleeding in the digestive system or the formation of holes in the wall of the stomach or duodenum. Before seeking a prescription medication to solve the problem, you might want to try a natural approach, such as:

a) Licorice:

Licorice root acts as an anti-inflammatory and produces a substance that aids in the protection of the stomach wall. When incorporating licorice as part of a natural cure, the production of acid is also reduced. Some individuals make a decoction, while others simply suck the juice from licorice sticks. Tinctures also make effective remedies. If you have high blood pressure, you may want to refrain from this type of natural treatment.

b) Manuka:

Studies conducted in New Zealand reveal that the bark, pollen, flowers, and leaves of manuka honey destroy the bacterium associated with ulcer development [4]. One may take 1 to 2 teaspoons of manuka honey twice per day or use the flowers and leaves to create infusions. The bark is also used to form decoctions. To add an anti-bacterial component to a manuka infusion, consider using thyme or echinecea.

c) Banana:

Peptic ulcers react quite well when using bananas to neutralize the extra acidity found in gastric juices. The banana also lessens the irritation associated with an ulcer by coating the stomach lining. Some individuals with an advanced peptic ulcer have found great results by following a strict diet of two bananas with a glass of milk (3 to 4 times per day).

d) Lime:

The citric acid of limes works with mineral salts to aid digestion.

e) Cabbage:

It is believed that the juice extracted from raw cabbage is a helpful remedy for a peptic ulcer. Add 250 grams of cabbage to 500 ml of water and bring to a boil until the quantity is reduced to half of its original amount. After cooling the water, the natural cure can be taken twice daily. Usually, the juice is too strong and some people have lessened its potency with carrot juice. Additional raw vegetable juices that aid in remedying ulcers include spinach, beets, and cucumber.

f) Milk:

A natural approach towards curing an ulcer includes almond milk and goat’s milk. Almond milk is created when adding blanched almonds to a blender. The remedy is known to bind excess acid in the stomach. Goat’s milk has been known to heal peptic ulcers and receives a better response from the body when taken in its raw form. Goat’s milk should be taken three times per day.

Herbal Remedies & Natural Cures

If you have already been diagnosed with H. pylori then you may want to try these options. Sometimes big claims and promises are made. A word of advice -
always ask for clinical tests and a money back guarantee BEFORE you decide to part with your money!

  • Herbs - Without doubt, the best natural treatment we have found for stomach ulcers and H. pylori is one now being used by Doctors and other Health Care professionals around the world. Clinically tested and proven to be the best herbal treatment for stomach ulcers, it is proven to eradicate all strains H. pylori completely, and without any negative side effects. This 100% natural treatment is an easy treatment to take, as opposed to the difficult treatment regime of Triple Therapy with it's nasty side effects.Click here to get a FREE eReport on H. pylori and find out how you can overcome this bacteria naturally.
  • Ayurvedic medicine - widely practiced Holistic treatment in modern India and now steadily gaining popularity in the West. Ayurvedic medicine works on your diet, detoxification and purification techniques, herbal remedies, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and massage therapy.
  • Acupuncture - tests on patients who have undergone acupuncture treatment for stomach ulcers show that acupuncture procedures can normalize certain processes of the gastro intestinal tract. There is not much evidence available to show exactly how effective acupuncture is as a treatment for stomach ulcers. Acupuncture is a painless treatment and involves the placing very thin metal needles into the skin at specific acupuncture points. The needles are usually left inserted for 15 - 30 minutes. Treatment normally involves multiple sessions over a period of weeks or months.
  • Vitamins and Minerals - Zinc, vitamin A and beta-carotene will boost your stomach lining's ability to repair and regenerate itself. See more about vitamins in my recommended ulcer diet.
  • Homeopathy - for a homeopath, the symptoms of the disease are much more important than the ulcer itself. A homeopath not only tries to heal the ulcer but also tries to remove the cause of the ulcer as well as the tendency for a relapse. Examples of homeopathic medicines used for stomach ulcers are argentum-nit, arsenic-alb, hydrastis, kali-bichrom, phosphorus, uranium-nit, terebintha, atropine, geranium, natrum-phos, medorrhinum, merc-cor, ornithogalum, lycopodium, pulsatilla and graphites.

· ---Fresh cabbage juice is an excellent ulcer treatment. It produces an amino acid that increases blood flow to the lining of the stomach and helps to strengthen it. For those who prefer eating cabbage, only raw cabbage should be used to be effective.

· ---Active Manuka honey is another effective treatment for ulcers. This raw honey may be purchased in health food stores. Honey has been used for hundreds of years as a topical preparation to promote the healing of wounds. Ingested, it heals and strengthens the stomach lining

· and kills harmful bacteria.

· ---Unripe plantains promote strong stomach linings by producing a mucoid substance that coats the stomach lining, giving it protection against acids. Bananas offer protection in the same manner.

· ---Eating a diet that is fiber-rich is an added ulcer protection. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains produce substance which help to protect the stomach lining.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

2 Stories- Misfortune/Bleesing and Dreams

It's weird how things happen-
I am fighting my body and health and trying to live a happy life.
In last update post I introduced my idea of dreams.
All my life, I have always thought about others and what I should do to benefit them, even selecting a major like psychology, was about how I can serve people to make them happy.
Few experiences-
1. I went to madir and I was sitting there upset and my health, and it was at a odd time, so the pandit was just mingling around. At this sunnyvale mandir, it's a big hall with different gods in different areas. I usually sit my Hanuman and recite Hanuman Chalisa- I was just sitting there, upset, red eyes, in pain and just looking weak. This pandit comes to talk to me, and I tell him what is going on with my health a few relationship issues, and he tells me, "This is for your own good, god has seen you neglecting yourself over others and so the only way he can teach you to forget about everyone and focus on yourself and take care of yourself if to put you in this position where you have no choice, but to take care of yourself, otherwise you will loose your life." Basically, this is a lesson for me to stop worrying about others and take care of myself.
I am learning slowly.
2. After this, one day I am reading a book by my favorite author, Paulo Cohelo, Warrior of Light and I come across a wonderful story about blessings and misfortune.

The lost horse
Many years ago in a poor Chinese village, there lived a peasant with his
son. His only material possession, apart from some land and a small
straw hut, was a horse he had inherited from his father.
One day, the horse ran off, leaving the man with no animal with which
to till the land. His neighbors - who respected him greatly for his honesty
and diligence - came to his house to say how much they regretted what
had happened. He thanked them for their visit, but asked:
- How can you know that what has happened has been a misfortune in
my life?
Someone mumbled to a friend: “he can’t accept reality; let him think
what he wants, as long as he isn’t saddened by what happened.”
And the neighbors went off, pretending to agree with what they had
A week later, the horse returned to the stable, but it was not alone; it
brought with it a fine mare for company. Upon hearing this, the villagers
- who were flustered since they now understood the answer the man had
given them - returned to the peasant’s house, in order to congratulate
him on his good fortune.
- Before you had only one horse, and now you have two. Congratulations!
- they said.
- Many thanks for your visit and for all your concern - answered the
peasant. - But how can you know that what has happened has been a
blessing in my life?
Disconcerted, and thinking he must be going mad, the neighbors went
off, and on the way commented: “does he really not understand that
God has sent him a gift?”
A month later, the peasant’s son decided to tame the mare. But the animal
unexpectedly reared up and the boy fell and broke his leg.
The neighbors returned to the peasant’s house - bringing gifts for the
wounded boy. The mayor of the village offered his condolences to the
father, saying that all were very sad at what had happened.
The man thanked them for their visit and their concern, but asked:
- How can you know that what has happened has been a misfortune in
my life?

They were all astonished to hear this, since no one could be in any
doubt that the accident of a son was a real tragedy. As they left the peasant’s
house, some said to others: “he really has gone mad; his only son
might limp forever, and he is still in doubt about whether what
happened is a misfortune.”
Some months passed, and Japan declared war on China. The Emperor’s
envoys traveled throughout the land in search for healthy young
men to be sent to the battle front. Upon arrival in the village, they recruited
all the young men except the peasant’s son, whose leg was
None of the young men returned alive. The son recovered, the two animals
bred and their offspring were sold at a good price. The peasant
began visiting his neighbors to console and help them, - since they had at
all times been so caring. Whenever one of them complained, the peasant
said: “how do you know it is a misfortune?” If anyone becomes overjoyed,
he asked: “how do you know it is a blessing?” And the men in
that village understood that beyond appearances, life has other
Moral lesson: No matter what happens, I should always ask myself, How can you know that what has happened has been a misfortune or a blessing in my life?

3. Today, after being home all day and studying all day I decided to go to starbucks and drink something cold to make my stomach feel better, get out and just relax a little bit. I always have my favorite book on my: Chicken Soup for Unsinkable Soul. I just randomly open stories to read them when I get few minutes. I open up a page with a poem on it and I read:

You Can Beat the Odds and Be a Winner, Too

Bury him in the snows of Valley Forge, and you have a George Washington.
Raise him in abject poverty and you have an Abraham Lincoln.
Subject him to bitter religious prejudice, and you have a Disraeli.
Label him, "too stupid to learn" and you have a Thomas Edison.
Tell her she's too old to start painting at eighty, and you have a Grandma Moses.
Have him or her born black in society filled with racial discrimination, and you have Booker T. Washington, Harriet Tubman, Marian Anderson, George Washington Carver or Martin Luther King Jr.
Make him the first child to survive in a poor Italian family of eighteen children, and you have a Enrico Caruso.
Afflict him with period of depression so severe that he cut off his ow ear, and you have a Vincent van Gogh.
Tell her in the late 1800s and early 1900s that only men can be scientists, and you have a Madame Curie, who eventually won two Nobel Prizes- one for physics and another for chemistry.
Tell a young boy who loved to sketch and draw that he has no talent, and you have Walt Disney.
Take a cripple child whose only home he ever knew was an orphanage, and you have James E. West, who became the first chief executive of the Boy Scouts of America.
Make him a second fiddle in an obscure South American Orchestra and you have a Toscanini

- Abigail Van Buren

I was so inspired reading this poem and it's under the Courage and Determination section!

I have been rejuvenated for the week, now I can be stronger, work harder and be happy...


Time flies-
Have been really sick and busy with life.
Taking care of health, eating good food, resting and not worrying about anyone or anything!
Had a crazy stomach infection when my stomach was loosing waste- I couldn't take medicine for it and so for a week I took a halt at everything and just rested and took care of health.
My ulcers is permanent- I got rid of waste through so much pain and suffering, and then was impacted by infection- throat, stomach were killing me and my body was so tired and weak. Slowly after resting a lot and eating only kichadi, that got better.
My body is own enemy- when one thing gets solved another happens and everything is built on top of my nasty ulcers.
I am proud of myself though, I went through days and days of being in bed sick, and the whole time I thought, I can't get through this, I can't get through this, but I got through that phase and am walking, talking again...
7-8 times throughout the day I have to stop what I am doing and relax for 20 mins (not think, worry) because I would be living my normal life and I would get random pain attacks.
I have noticed changes in me, I have stopped caring about people so much, I am paying a lot more attention to my life and my needs, desires. I have simplified my life so much- got rid of all unnecessary things and stuff and re did my hair, got new bag, wallet, clothes, and cleaned and organized everything- I renovated everything in my life- gifted myself a brand new leather black bag and leather red wallet.
I am able to focus on myself, my work, my studies a lot more now that I have stopped caring about others.
I have to take care of myself and follow my dreams (yes, I have dreams for myself, which I think about every night before I sleep and in daytime I write down strategic plans and deliverables to achieve my dreams, and if my health allows, I work hard for my dreams)
Also, my friend gifted me a iTouch Ipod, really like it- it has built in wifi and all cool features.
Life is what I make it-