Thursday, December 31, 2009


It's been a crazy and hectic year! it's done, it's over and time to move on to a brighter year!
I am excite, my health is getting better, my overall life is getting better and everything is good.
Motto: Work hard and play hard.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Three-Part Framework for Powepoint Presentations

Preview, View, Review

Preview (10-15 % of time)

Hook: Opening statement to grab attention
Positioning Statement: Benefits statement selling advantages of listening
Overview: Key points that support positioning statement

View (80-85% of time)

Point 1: Evidence/Illustration
Point 2: Evidence/Illustration
Point 3: Evidence/Illustration

Review (5% of time)

Recap: Summary of positioning statement and key points
Memorable Conclusion: Wrap up story or statement
Call to Action: Request for order/commitment

7 Steps for Powerpoint Presentations

Step 1: Define your purpose. The first question every presenter has to determine is, Why am I presenting? Is it to inform, entertain or persuade?

Step 2: Profile your audience. You should always analyze your audience’s need and motivations.

Step 3: Map your structure. Presenting is essentially story telling. And all good stories need structure.

Step 4: Add drama and impact. Even the most boring factual presentations needs livening up with anecdotes, stories or captivating visuals.

Step 5: Rehearse until perfect. The more you rehearse, the better you get.

Step 6: Deliver with style. The way you deliver is as, if not more important than your content.

Step 7: Review and Revise. The best presenter learn from their mistakes by continually evaluating their performance.