Thursday, April 2, 2009


I am loosing it. I need to focus more.
My career and school is very important to me, and I am neglecting it.
I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science with double major (Communication and Psychology) in two years, I was so active in high school, along with accelerated student, and now I am loosing focus.
I wasted a semester with Psychology Phd (AUG 2008), and now I am doing that great in my Masters. (With a 3.5 above GPA- which was required to be accepted to the Phd program)
I was always ambitious, always wanting to be successful, 2always learning new things and accelerating in life.
I need to refocus, and get back into that. I have few plans and goals and I need to set objectives to achieve those things.
First and foremost, my Master's in Graphic Design is very important.
a. I need to work harder, get outstanding grades, it's been improving, but I need to focus more and do excellent and have an outstanding portfolio.
b. Design out degree plan. (finish in 1 1/2-2 years) [San Francisco]

I need to focus on Reflections/Freelance and Gain Experience
a. Business Plan
b. Register
c. Develop templates/prices
d. Portfolio
e. Website
f. Marketing

Objectives to Achieve Goals
1. Sleep by 11-12 and Get up 7-8. This will give me a longer day and more time to work, and will increase efficiency and effectiveness of work.
2. Though my health is improving, I am still not taking that well care of myself, so I need to eat better and cook 2-3 times a week, to build the habit.
3. Go to gym at least 4-5 times in a week. Take a 2-3 day break to not over do workout.
4. Be organized and don't loose focus. Keep room clean like you have been, and stay on top of everything. Computer, room, papers, keep everything organized and clean.
5. Get more involved with people and community- volunteer, go to meetups, do what you love to do i.e. dance.


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