Wednesday, August 19, 2009

State of Mind

The month of July and August has been crazy for me. My health, new place, new job, new people, relationships changing, and everything just revolving. It’s very difficult to adjust into a new environment with lots of other forces against you. It does give me a good opportunity to change and start a new chapter of life. The gradual change and the sudden change… I started a new job in end of August, I am dealing with health issues, and the sudden transition has had an impacting effect on me. On top of that, I had a serious apartment issue (harassment and suing landlords), gold’s gym and T-Mobile screwing up my accounts and then lot of other small errands. Life has just been on a roller coaster. Now those errands, transition, etc is getting better and smoothening out a little bit, but then relationship issues start. I can conquer one thing at a time, but not everything at once. I know when it rains, its pours, but I am just going through a never ending thunderstorm, with temporary sunshine (temporary meaning few hours). Once my overall issues are solved (mostly errands) then I can focus on my mental well being. First take care of all errands, one at a time, then focus on long term things. ….
To be continued…

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