Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It’s not the end of the world; it’s a begging of a new life.

Sometimes loosing something (job, relationship) makes it seem like it’s the end of the world. I am loosing many things right now, but for past 2 days I have been feeling that “it’s end of the world.” I am unable to focus, being very emotional, giving someone else the steering wheel of my happiness and my health, and just loosing it. I kept thinking, why?, but obviously there is no answer for that. I took a step back, and put myself in a different perspective, other than the current dilemma perspective. And this voice in my head goes, “Honey, why are you doing this to yourself, you’ve got through so many other problems, why making this difficult for you, when history shows that time has healed you. You made it through so many other issues (more or less intense) then why do you think you can’t get through this and want to make a stupid mistake. There have been 2-3 phrases that have came across my eyes from facebook postings, email messages and random readings. Time heals and it’s not the end of the world, it’s a new beginning. I was running after the end, instead of seeing this as a new beginning. There are so many things I want in life, and instead of stopping right here, I need to continue going after that. A friend always told me, “Honey, go after what you want in life, if someone interferes, let them go and continue towards what you want.” Instead of seeing this as the end, I am inspired to see this as a new chapter. It’s the attitude that makes a difference. I smiled through so many issues, why am I sitting and crying about this one? I just need to do what I usually do: smile, face it, and conquer it.
I have always had this idea of an identity that I want. Set goals for myself, and characteristics I want to have, and what I want to be known for (Previous Blog Entry: Identity). I have the resources, experiences and opportunities to get closer and closer to that, and it’s my responsibility and duty to myself to achieve it and not back out.
Goal: Make best of the opportunities that are set in front of you: job, dance, graphic design, volunteering… Don’t lose out on your dreams and aspirations because of people or things that make you an option when you make them a priority.
AAU: School starts September 3th (tonight!) 3 classes: Type Composition, Visual Literacy, Type forms for 2 weeks and Crossing Borders)
Dance with school starts next week: Chance to take dance classes for free for fall semester and teach for spring semester. (Wednesday: Yoga and Ballet) (Tuesdays: World Dance)
Adobe Expert Certification: Certification exam for graphic design
CCNA: VSS Cisco Certified Network Associate exam
MFA Excellence, MBA Excellence and so many small things I enjoy in life (hiking, friends, reading, music, art, community involvement)
All this together will make my health better and it will all depend on me and not anyone else.
Carpe Diem- Seize the day.. Enjoy every moment.

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