Friday, September 18, 2009

Two mottos

A motto (from the Italian for pledge, sentence; plural mottos or mottoes) is a phrase meant to formally describe the general motivation or intention. (Wiki)

I have came up with 2 life long motto's for myself.
1. Work hard, play hard.
2. If I can't eat and sleep peacefully, there is no point of all the hard work/stress, etc.

Work hard and play hard.
This is pretty obvious. Everyone needs balance in their life, and I realize that I have failed to balance at time. I worked hard, but didn't play hard enough. I worried, stressed, worked hard, and constantly let myself fall into working and not giving myself (my mind, my body) enough rest, thus neglecting my overall well being. Here is the new vow: work hard, very hard, but don't forget to rest, play, enjoy and just realx and enjoy life. Both of them will go well if I balance each out.

If I can't eat and sleep peacefully, there is no point of all the hard work/stress, etc.
Again, realted to oveall well being. I didn't eat proper food because I was worried about job, school, phd, family, friends, people, things, ideas and I didn't sleep/rest well over the same things. There is no point to life and all the hard work if I can't eat proper food, eat properly and sleep well. No point of loosing out on food and sleep after working so hard.
From now, eat good meals, eat well, and don't work on homework, or work or other stressful things and talk to people about serious things etc when eating. Just relax and enjoy food.
Same with sleeping, go to bed early, get good quality of sleep and rest without worrying before sleep, and worrying as soon as I wake up- its useless.
Eat well, get good sleep, work hard and play hard- its a secret to overall well being of an individual.

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