Sunday, January 11, 2009

Statement, Explanation.....

I wanted to thank you for your endless kindness and joy you bring to my life, thank you so much Honey, you are a blessing in my life and I thank you for your presence.
I try not to be needy, when you come along I trust you so much and and find you to be quiet extraordinary, you are strong, but you don't believe in it, so you give me so much and how to tell you to stop giving, huh, its in your nature Honey.
Understand the times we share together are ours, only ours, I pleasure you and enjoy you being pleasured....I care for your satisfaction and adore seeing you enjoy life, not moaping around worrying about every single feeling you get. You are a woman, must move on from what people make you feel and worry about what you want and go for it, your success will bring happiness to you and others will be part of it as well. You will be happy.